SERIN – one at Kynance Cove near container at Surfer’s car park

BLACK KITE – one flew over the A30 at Chiverton Cross

TUESDAY 30th MAY 2023

RICHARD’S PIPIT – one flew north over Constantine this morning

EUROPEAN SERIN – one ranging around pine clump north of stone wall at Porthgwarra; a ‘probable’ at Trevassack Quarry

WHITE STORK – one flew over the A39 near Truro at 1340hrs

PIED FLYCATCHER – one at Carn Brea

MONDAY 29th MAY 2023

GOLDEN ORIOLE – fem type dropped into willows by Big Pool at Windmill Farm Nature Reserve


ROSY STARLING – one in garden along Manor Road, Bude

HONEY BUZZARD – one flew over Black Head, The Lizard this afternoon

EUROPEAN TURTLE DOVE – one in private garden in Penzance still

CATTLE EGRET – one at Kingsmill Lake

BLACK REDSTART – one at Nanjizal (fem)

SATURDAY 27th MAY 2023

HONEY BUZZARD – one flew NNE towards Mylor this afternoon

BLACK KITE – one reported at Rosewall Hill this morning, then probable over Hayle and later flew east over Gwithian towards Godrevy

HOODED CROW – one again at Polgigga in field at Higher Bosistow Farm

FRIDAY 26th MAY 2023

HONEY BUZZARD – one over Polgigga this morning

THURSDAY 25th MAY 2023

TURTLE DOVE – in private garden at Penzance still


HOODED CROW – still at Faraway Cottage, Polgigga this afternoon

TUESDAY 23rd MAY 2023

HOODED CROW – one at Roskestal Farm, Porthgwarra

PURPLE SANDPIPER – 11 at Battery Rocks, Penzance

MONDAY 22nd MAY 2023

No reports of significance today!

SUNDAY 21st MAY 2023

BLACK KITE – one flew SSW over Carnyorth Common towards St Just; one flew west over Stithians

OSPREY – one over Sunny Corner, Malpas

PINK-FOOTED GOOSE – still at Marazion Marsh

PURPLE SANDPIPER – 27 at Battery Rocks, Penzance

SATURDAY 20th MAY 2023

MONTAGU’S HARRIER – male reported at Zennor

BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1st summer again from B3301 causeway at Hayle

GOLDEN ORIOLE – 1st summer at Nanjizal Valley flew towards Skewjack 

OSPREY – one flew esat over Marazion Marsh

EUROPEAN TURTLE DOVE – one in private garden in Penzance

PIED FLYCATCHER – one a Kynance Cove

FRIDAY 19th MAY 2023

HAWFINCH – one in private garden at Cross Common, Lizard Village

BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1st summer again from B3301 causeway at Hayle

EUROPEAN TURTLE DOVE – one in private garden in Penzance

THURSDAY 18th MAY 20203

BLACK KITE – one flew over Perranwell, this morning, then over Perranarworthal later. One also reported over Carharrack

EUROPEAN HONEY BUZZARD – one flew east over Polgigga this afternoon

EUROPEAN TURTLE DOVE – one at Bass Point today

OSPREY – one over Par Sands

VELVET SCOTER – one reported at College Reservoir 

GLAUCOUS GULL – one flew NE over St Buryan

RED KITE – 79 over Falmouth, 1 over Roseworthy dip, 1 over Tresemple Pool, 2 over Marazion; c100 over Nanjizal Valley


BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON – one flew from ponds at Nanjizal this evening

GARGANEY – one at Walmsley Sanctuary again

RED KITE – c200 over Nanjizal Valley

WOOD SANDPIPER – one on pool by road at Cardinham Moor yesterday

TUESDAY 16th MAY 2023

PURPLE HERON – one at Bowithick

GARGANEY – one at Walmsley Sanctuary again

MONDAY 15th MAY 2023

BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1st sum. on Ryan’s Field again

!YELLOW-BILLED KITE! – bird of unknown origin at Polgigga. Thought to be same bird as previously on Isle of Wight

SUNDAY 14th MAY 2023

MONTAGU’S HARRIER – 1st sum female over gully behind Croft Pascoe Plantation this morning

BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1st sum. on Ryan’s Field again

PIED FLYCATCHER -one in Upper Fowey Valley

SATURDAY 13th MAY 2023

TURTLE DOVE – one flew past Raftra Farm, Polgigga

PURPLE HERON – one at Brays Cott, Goonhilly then flew north-west; adult again at Marazion Marsh RSPB, briefly from bridge this evening

BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1st sum. on Ryan’s Field again

RED KITE – 153 by 1200hrs at St Just; 64 over Rosewall Hill (1100-1300), 49 over Connor Downs, plus others reported as part of influx.

RING OUZEL – one at Chapel Car Brea still

FRIDAY 12th MAY 2023

BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1st sum. on Ryan’s Field again

PURPLE HERON – adult again at Marazion Marsh RSPB, briefly from bridge

THURSDAY 11th MAY 2023

PURPLE HERON – adult again at Marazion Marsh RSPB, briefly from bridge

PINK-FOOTED GOOSE – one still at Marazion Marsh RSPB


PALLID HARRIER – 1st summer female again at Goonhilly Downs, viewed form Bray’s Cott

MONTAGU’S HARRIER – in same area as Pallid Harrier above.

PURPLE HERON – seen again at Marazion Marsh RSPB. Flew to NE end of reserve

BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1st sum again on Lelant Saltings

HOOPOE – one in garden at Trethowel, St Austell

PINK-FOOTED GOOSE – one still at Marazion Marsh

TUESDAY 9th MAY 2023

RUSSIAN WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE – adult still at Mawgan Porth

MONDAY 8th MAY 2023

BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1s again on Hayle Estuary commuting between main estuary and Ryan’s Field

PURPLE HERON – in heronry at Marazion Marsh at dusk

GARGANEY – drake still at Walmsley sanctuary

GLAUCOUS GULL – immature again at Newlyn Harbour

SUNDAY 7th MAY 2023

BEE-EATER – two flew east over Carn Brae this evening

BONAPARTE’S GULL –  1w again on Ryan’s Field

PURPLE HERON – on at Marazion Marsh RSPB this afternoon

GLAUCOUS GULL – 1st summer flew north past Sennen Cove


PALLID HARRIER – apparent 1st sum female over Goonhilly Downs then flew south east late afternoon

RED-FOOTED FALCON – adult male over Goonhilly Down, viewed from Croft Pascoe Pool this afternoon

EUROPEAN BEE-EATER -four flew over Polgigga towards Nanjizal this morning

BONAPARTE’S GULL –  1w again on Ryan’s Field

TURTLE DOVE – one briefly on rooftops at Penryn with Collared Doves then flew north

RING OUZEL – male again at Chapel Carn Brea

SQUACCO HERON – No sign currently at Lethytep Farm. 

FRIDAY 5th MAY 2023

SQUACCO HERON – still on pond at Lethytep Farm; park only in top field and take mown path along fenceline to view ponds

BONAPARTE’S GULL –  1w again on Ryan’s Field

SERIN – one flew south over Windmill Farm mid-afternoon

RING-NECKED DUCK – adult drake again on private ponds; view from hill

GARGANEY – two at Walmsley Sanctuary

CATTLE EGRET – 8 at College Reservoir this evening

POMARINE SKUA – two adults past Porthgwarra this morning (0600 – 1100)

WOOD SANDPIPER – one at Windmill Farm, The Lizard from hide


SQUACCO HERON – still on pond at Lethytep Farm; park only in top field and take mown path along fenceline to view ponds

BONAPARTE’S GULL –  1w again on Ryan’s Field

WOOD WARBLER – one in church yard at Pendeen

GARGANEY – drake at Walmsley Sanctuary


EUROPEAN BEE-EATER – five flew north over Kenidjack Valley this morning then on wires at Botallack

SQUACCO HERON – still on pond at Lethytep Farm; park only in top field and take mown path along fenceline to view ponds

BONAPARTE’S GULL –  1w again on Ryan’s Field

MONTAGU’S HARRIER – 1st summer female again along Kynance Road

GREAT EGRET – adult on Ryan’s Field

TUESDAY 2nd MAY 2023

GOLDEN ORIOLE – 1st sum male in pines at back of Marazion Marsh RSPB late afternoon then flew north

MONTAGU’S HARRIER – male reported over cut fields at Gurnards Head Pub this afternoon

GLAUCOUS GULL – 1st summer still at Newlyn Harbour

CATTLE EGRET – 6 again roosting on island at College lake, Falmouth.

MONDAY 1st MAY 2023

SQUACCO HERON – still on pond at Lethytep Farm; park only in top field and take mown path along fenceline to view ponds

BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1w again between Ryan’s Field and main estuary at Hayle

MONTAGU’S HARRIER – 1st summer female again