Majorca – Spring 2024

“Another fantastic short tour in Majorca, beautiful weather, amazing scenery and fabulous Birds”

West Cornwall – Tour for Two

January 2024 Private tour booked for the lovely Becki and Andrew on a cold winter Friday in West Cornwall. We set off from HQ at 8.30 and headed straight to St Agnes Head where a Snow Bunting had been reported. Once there we were greeted with blue skies, sunshine and stunning views to the North […]

New Years Bird List Booster 2024

Sunday 14th January 2024 Six guests with Paul as guide, headed out from HQ at 8 am with a record target of 96 species to beat. Tide times and the disappearance of one or two previous target birds meant a different approach to the birding today and we started our list on the estuary at […]

New Years Bird List Booster 2024

Sunday 7th January 2024 Our first tour of 2024 saw 7 intrepid guests take on the challenge of seeing over 93 (last years record) species of bird in a single day. We started at 8am at HQ with the usual Woodpigeon, Carrion Crow, Robin, Herring Gull etc etc whilst we loaded up the bus, then […]

Norfolk Winter Tour 2023

Report from our Norfolk Tour 3rd to 9th December 2024 DAY 1 – HOLKHAM AND STIFFKEY After arriving the night before at our wonderful accommodation at The Crown in Mundford, we were keen to get out and do some birding! The plan was to head straight to the North Coast but a flock of Waxwings […]

Avalon Marshes Day Tour – May 2023

A full bus (with others meeting us at RSPB Ham Wall) headed of early from HQ at Hayle on 14th May for a full day on the Somerset Levels. We arrived at the fantastic RSPB Ham Wall at 09.30am and after a few introduction and a toilet break we headed onto the reserve. We were […]


S’Albufera National Nature Reserve and surrounding areas Another recce to our favorite Mediterranean island for a very short two day excursion in order to experience some Spring migration and sunshine! We flew from Bristol airport arriving late at our hotel in Can Picafort. The following morning after breakfast we jumped in a taxi (8 Euros) […]

Recent Tours – March/April 2023

We’ve been rather busy over the past few weeks with tours! The Spring season kicked off with a day tour in the east of the county. Vic had a day tour voucher bought for his birthday by his daughter, which turned out to be a great prezzie which involved two Lifers! We started in warm […]

Birdwatching on the Isles of Scilly

Tour Report 3rd to 10th October 2022 DAY ONE Our intrepid group of 7 (plus Paul as guide) headed off to Scilly for our first week long tour on Monday 3rd October aboard the Scillonian III. We set of from Penzance harbour at 9.10am having already started our tour list with Kingfisher and Purple Sandpiper! […]