SUNDAY 30th APRIL 2023

*SQUACCO HERON* – one on private pond at Lethytep Farm, Lanreath. Park in top field right of entrance gate and follow on site instructions. Access from 9am Monday morning.

BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON – still at small pond along entrance to car park at Porth Joke

BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1w again on Ryan’s Field 

TURTLE DOVE – one at Gwithian Green LNR early morning

PINK-FOOTED GOOSE – one at Marazion Marsh again

CATTLE EGRET – one at Walmsley Sanctaury


*SQUACCO HERON* – one on private pond at Lethytep, Lanreath. (access may be arranged if bird is still present tomorrow)

BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON – adult again this morning on small pond at entrance to Porth Joke.

EUROPEAN TURTLE DOVE – one at Lower Bosistow Farm, Polgigga; One at Kenidjack Valley

BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1w again on Ryan’s Field 

ICELAND GULL – one on beach below Tolcarne Inn, Newlyn

RING OUZEL – male in field with dung heap at Chapel Carn Brea

CATTLE EGRET – one at Drift Reservoir in fields opposite hide

FRIDAY 28th APRIL 2023

BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1w again on Ryan’s Field early morning then flew to estuary

GULL-BILLED TERN – probable reported east past Pendennis Point at 13.34 then again north up Carrick Roads at 14.00hrs

BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON – adult flew over Porth Joke late evening. Also juvenile at Ponsangoth, showing well

MONTAGU’S HARRIER – one reported low over fields east of A3038 at Cross Lanes, The Lizard

WOOD WARBLER – one reported between Loscombe Lane and Grillis Farm, Four Lanes.

GREAT EGRET – one at RSPB Marazion Marsh this morning then fleww off

GARGANEY – drake again at St Gothian Sands NR, flew mid morning to main pool

RING OUZEL – 2 at Chapel Carn Brea this morning

CATTLE EGRET – one at Marazion Marsh this morning

CASPIAN GULL – 1w reported on Hayle Estuary

GLAUCOUS GULL – juv at St Clement’s Isle, Mousehole his evening

PINK-FOOTED GOOSE – again at Marazion Marsh this afternoon

WHOOPER SWAN – one on Bude Canal today

COMMON SCOTER – drake again at St Gothian Sands on main pool and showing well


BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1w on Ryan’s Field again this afternoon

GARGANEY – one flew into St Gothian Sands NR this afternoon

BLUE-HEADED WAGTAIL – mobile bird on path at St Gothian Sands NR this afternoon

RING OUZEL – six at Chapel Car Brea this morning

COMMON SCOTER – on on pond at St Gothian Sands NR


*SQUACCO HERON* – one perched in ash tree in garden at Dobwalls then flew off early morning

BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1w again on Ryan’s Field RSPB, then flew south

BLUE-HEADED WAGTAIL – male still at St Gothian Sands NR

GARGANEY – drake again at St Gothian Sands NR

RING OUZEL – one at Hendra, Nanquidno; male at Cape Cornwall golf club

PINK-FOOTED GOOSE – one at Marazion Marsh still

RING-NECKED DUCK – still at Helston boating lake

COMMON SCOTER – one on pool at St Gothian Sands NR


BONAPARTE’S GULL – again on Hayle Estuary from causeway then flew south

BLUE-HEADED WAGTAIL – one at St Gothian Sands NR

OSPREY – one at Restronguet Creek

GLAUCOUS GULL – juv still at Newlyn Harbour

PINK-FOOTED GOOSE – one at Marazion Marsh with Canada Goose

RING-NECKED DUCK – fem still at Helston Boating Lake

SIBERIAN CHIFFCHAFF – on at Marazion by beach, singing

PIED FLYCATCHER – male on west side of churchyard at Pendeen this morning

MONDAY 24th APRIL 2023

WESTERN SUBALPINE WARBLER – male in private garden in St Just yesterday afternoon, but no further sign by evening

GOLDEN ORIOLE – male again at Chapel Carn Brea


BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1w again from B3301 causeway at Lelant Saltings this evening, earlier seen at Marazion

PINK-FOOTED GOOSE – one with Canada Geese at Marazion Marsh RSPB

WHITE-TAILED EAGLE – presumed released immature bird at Colliford Lake again

SUNDAY 23rd APRIL 2023

GULL-BILLED TERN – one on river Camel then flew downriver

MONTAGU’S HARRIER – 1st summer female again on moor towards Kynance Cove

BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON – Adult at Boscathno Reservoir today and showing well; adult also at Marazion Marsh this evening flew from cleared areaby bridge at 2100hrs; Adult again at BK Fisheries, St Erth tonight.

BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1w still at Red River Mouth this morning

WOODCHAT SHRIKE – male at Treeve Moor, left of barns

HOOPOE – one still on south side of Goonhilly Downs

PURPLE HERON – one in reed bed at Gunwalloe late evening

BLUE-HEADED WAGTAIL – one in field at back of Sennen Quarry. Also Yellow Wagtail, Wheatear and 5 Whimbrel. Also male at Walmsley Sanctuary

RING OUZEL – four on west side of Chapel Carn Brae in field with manure heap; male at Davidstow Airfield

HOODED CROW – one again in ploughed field above Hendra

CATTLE EGRET – 5+ still in field with cattle at Catchall this morning but no sign mid-afternoon. One at Millbrook.

RING-NECKED DUCK – female still at Helston boating lake

WOOD SANDPIPER – on at Rissick Flash, Crow’s-an-wra this morning

RUFF – 6 on Ryan’s Field this evening


WHITE-BILLED DIVER – adult flew past Pendeen lighthouse

BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON – one again at BK fisheries, St Erth this evening; adult at Marazion Marsh in cut area viewed from bus shelter this evening

BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1w by Hogus Rocks, Marazion

GOLDEN ORIOLE – male again near old barn at Chapel Carn Brea today

MONTAGU’S HARRIER – female again over corner of field opposite road to Kynance

CATTLE EGRET – one at Par Sands; 7 in field at Catchall

WOOD SANDPIPER – one at Rissick Flash, Crows-an-Wra

FRIDAY 21st APRIL 2023

BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1w by Hogus Rocks, Marazion

MONTAGU’S HARRIER – female again over corner of field opposite road to Kynance

GOLDEN ORIOLE – male again near old barn at Chapel Carn Brea today

WOODCHAT SHRIKE – male at Treeve Moor, left of barns

PURPLE HERON – one at Croft Pascoe Pool this afternoon

DOTTEREL – one in tilled field west of Old Foage Road, Zennor

HOOPOE – one still on south side of Goonhilly Downs

GARGANEY – drake at Par Beach Pool

PINK-FOOTED GOOSE – one with Canada Geese at Drift Reservoir

WHITE-TAILED EAGLE – presumed released immature bird at Colliford Lake again


GOLDEN ORIOLE – male again near old barn at Chapel Carn Brea today

HOOPOE – singles at Golitha Fall and Goonhillly Downs

BLACK-WINGED STILT – fem still on River Fal at Ruan Lanihorne

MONTAGU’S HARRIER – female again over corner of field opposite road to Kynance

HAWFINCH – one at Little Trethewey this afternoon

CATTLE EGRET – five still in field with cattle from layby at Catchall

HOODED CROW – one still at Hendra, Nanquidno

RING OUZEL – singles at Chapel Carn Brea, Carloggas Downs and Trevose Head, two at St Agnes Head, Five on north west side of Carn Eanes, Pendeen

PIED FLYCATCHER – male reported at Foage Valley

SPOTTED FLYCATCHER – one at Kynance farm

WHINCHAT – one near visitor car park at Kynance Cove; one at Trevose Head

COMMON REDSTART – 2 females at Trevose Head

Common Swift – one over Porth Joke

HARRIER Sp.  – ringail flew over Trevince Woods


GOLDEN ORIOLE – male at Chapel Carn Brea on and off all day, showing well on occasion. Last seen early evening in NW corner of Chapel Carn Brea

MONTAGU’S HARRIER – female at Kynance Cove today

PURPLE HERON – one still on marsh west of Gwenter

RING OUZEL – one at Chapel Carn Brea this afternoon; one at Pendeen

OSPREY – one flew north-east over Botallack; one over Pendeen this afternoon

GREAT EGRET – one at south end of Stithians Lake

RING-NECKED DUCK – female still at Helston

COMMON SWIFT – one over Pendeen

RED KITE – numerous birds reported today including 8 in Bartinney area, 3 at Marazion, singles at Roseworthy, Connor Downs, Penryn, Belenowe, Longdowns.


MONTAGU’S HARRIER – on road to Kynance, showing well

WOODCHAT SHRIKE – one still by big pool, Porthgwarra

HOOPOE – one on south side of Goonhilly Downs

GLAUCOUS GULL – still at Newlyn

RING OUZEL – one at Soapy Cove

WHITE-TAILED EAGLE – immature, presumed IOW released bird at Colliford Lake

DOTTEREL – one at Zennor

HOODED CROW – one by B3306 south of Trewellard

MONDAY 17th APRIL 2023

MONTAGU’S HARRIER – 1st-winter female again showing well intermittently between 11.00 and 13.00hrs at Lizard Village

WOODCHAT SHRIKE – one near big pool at Porthgwarra early afternoon

LITTLE BUNTING – one again in hedge next to track between Boscregan and Hendra

CATTLE EGRET – 7 in field at Catchall

RING OUZEL – female at Perranporth

OSPREY – one flew east offshore at Falmouth

SUNDAY 16th APRIL 2023

WOODCHAT SHRIKE – two in area at west end of Potato field at Raftra Farm, Polgigga; One at Porthgwarra in roadside hegde just past turn for Highlands; also one by big pool at Porthgwarra

BLACK-WINGED STILT – still on river Fal at Ruan Lanihorne

OSPREY – one flew north over Treeve Moor, Lands End

GREAT EGRET – one river Fal at Ruan Lanihorne

CATTLE EGRET – 7 still at Prtheras Common, Pendeen

RING-NECKED DUCK – fem still at Helston Boating Lake

SATURDAY – 15th APRIL 2023

SERIN – one at Barras Nose, Tintagel this morning

WOODCHAT SHRIKE – one in fields at Polgigga

BLACK-WINGED STILT – female still at Ruan Lanihorne from bridge west of village

PURPLE HERON – adult again in field north of bridge at Ruan Lanihorne

JACK SNIPE – one in bracken on south side of valley at Nanjizal

HOODED CROW – one at Dodman Point this morning; also one in ploughed fields at Hendra

FRIDAY 14th APRIL 2023

(??) SPANISH/ATLAS FLYCATCHER – possible reported in private garden at St Just present for 2 days but no sign today.

BLACK-WINGED STILT – two at Amble Marshes showing well on flood opposite parking area late afternoon. One still at Ruan Lanihorne from road bridge

PURPLE HERON – again in rushy field north of bridge at Ruan Lanihorne; one still in field west of Gwenter

WOODCHAT SHRIKE – female still along coastal path west of Faraway Cottage, Nanjizal

MONTAGU’S HARRIER – ringtail over fields near Lizard Village late afternoon

RING-NECKED DUCK – female still at Helston boating lake

GLAUCOUS GULL – jus still in harbour at Newlyn

ICELAND GULL – one briefly in field at Tevescan then flew towards Sennen

CATTLE EGRET – flew from Hayle Estuary late morning towards St Erth; 13 still at Walmsley Sanctaury; 7 still at Portheres Common, Pendeen

STORM PETREL – one on seen from Scillonian III crossing form Penzance to Scilly

WILLOW WARBLER – one singing at St Gothian Sands


BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON – one flushed from garden at Lamorna Cove flew upstream; one flushed from Portheras Valley, Pendeen flew towards Morvah

BLACK-WINGED STILT – two still at Amble Marshes; one still at Ruan Lanihorne; one at Maer Lake, Bude

PURPLE HERON – one at Ruan Lanihorne again

HEN HARRIER – probable ringtail flew east from Treeve Moor, Land’s End

BLACK GUILLEMOT – one offshore at Pendeen

GLAUCOUS GULL – one again at Newlyn Harbour

LITTLE TERN – one at Hayle Estuary, flew towards estuary mouth after fishing in Carnsew Pool

SOOTY SHEARWATER – 2 past Downderry early morning

ARCTIC TERN – one with Little Tern at Hayle


PURPLE HERON – again at Ruan Lanihorne showing well from bridge; also one again at Gwenter

BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1w still on Hayle Estuary this efternoon from B3301 causeway

GARGANEY – one at Crows-an-wra

ICELAND GULL – on beach below Tolcarne Inn, Newlyn

RING-NECKED DUCK – fem still at Helston boating lake


PURPLE HERON – again at Ruan Lanihorne showing well from bridge

BLACK-WINGED STILT –  one still at Ruan Lanihorne from bridge showing well; ona at Maer Lake, Bude

BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1w still on Hayle Estuary this efternoon from B3301 causeway

MONDAY 10th APRIL 2023

BLACK-WINGED STILT – 5 still at Walmsley Sanctuary this afternoon; one still at Ruan Lanihorne from bridge showing well; male still at Maer Lake, Bude

PURPLE HERON – again at Ruan Lanihorne showing well from bridge; two reported in marsh by cattle grid near Ponsongath then flew towards Gwenter

WOODCHAT SHRIKE – still in field on left as you leave track from Faraway cottage, Nanjizal, that or another at Arden-sawah Farm late afternoon; one inn field on road to Cot Valley; one in ‘recent days’ at Nare Head, but not seen today.

TURTLE DOVE – one at Trevothen, Coverack

RING-NECKED DUCK – female again at Helston Boating lake

GLAUCOUS GULL – one at Newlyn again

CATTLE EGRET – one flew over the A30 at Catchall

WHOOPER SWAN – in fields at Jerocho Farm, St Just

WOOD SANDPIPER – one at Walmsley Sanctuary

ARCTIC TERN – offshore at Rock


BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1w still on Hayle Estuary this efternoon from B3301 causeway

BLACK-WINGED STILT – 6 still at Walmsley Sanctuary this afternoon; one still at Ruan Lanihorne from bridge showing well

PURPLE HERON – again at Ruan Lanihorne showing well from bridge

WOODCHAT SHRIKE – still in field on left as you leave track from Faraway cottage, Nanjizal

HOOPOE – in private garden at Carnon Downs

SERIN – one reported singing at St Buryan

BLUE-HEADED WAGTAIL  – male reported at St Gothian Sands NR

SPOONBILL – on river Fal viewed from roadbridge at Ruan Lanihorne

ICELAND GULL – at Drift reservoir

GARGANEY – one at Nanjizal Valley; two reported at St Buryan

WHOOPER SWAN – in fields at Jerocho Farm, St Just

BLACK REDSTART – one in same field as Woodchat Shrike at Nanjizal


ALPINE SWIFT – one over St Ia’s Church at 0730 and showing well (B.Dallas et al)

BONAPARTE’S GULL – 1w still on Hayle Estuary this morning from B3301 causway (D.Julian, I.Hayes et al)

BLACK-WINGED STILT – 6 still at Walmsley Sanctuary this afternoon; one still at Ruan Lanihorne from bridge showing well

PURPLE HERON – again at Ruan Lanihorne showing well from bridge (D.Julian)

WOODCHAT SHRIKE – still along track to Carn les Boel, Nanjizal (J.Chapple)


ALPINE SWIFT – one flew east at Nanjizal Valley (R.Veal); two birds around St Ia’s Church, St Ives, appeared to go to roost late evening

BONAPARTE’S GULL  – 1w on estuary at Hayle today, view from B3301 Causeway. (L.Langley; G.Jones)

BLACK-WINGED STILT – male still at Maer Lake NR this afternoon; 6 at Walmsley sanctuary and 1 at Ruan Lanihorne

WOODCHAT SHRIKE – still along track to Carn les Boel late afternoon

GARGANEY – drake at Windmill Farm this morning

RING-NECKED DUCK – fem still at Helston boating lake

SIBERIAN CHIFFCHAFF – one at Gwennap Sewerage works (M.Grantham)


BLACK-WINGED STILT – SIX birds still at Walmsley Sanctuary this morning. Also, male still at Maer Lake this morning on west side viewed for Maer Road, tho elusive; one for 2nd day on farmland at Coverack with no general access

WOODCHAT SHRIKE – still along track to Carn les Boel late afternoon

LITTLE BUNTING – still in stubble field at top end of Comfort Wood along footpath to Lower Metherell this morning

PURPLE HERON – one from bridge at Ruan Lanihorn this afternoon

CATTLE EGRET – 10 birds roosting on island at College Lake, Falmouth, then flew SW. Returned this evening to roost again.  (L.Langley); also 4 at Marazion Marsh; 20 at Walmsley


BONAPARTE’S GULL  – 1w on estuary at Hayle today, view from B3301 Causeway, flew off at 1320hrs, then back at 1540hrs

ALPINE SWIFT – one early morning 0745hrs at St Ives

BLACK-WINGED STILT – SIX together at Walmsley Sanctuary this afternoon;  male again at Maer Lake, Bude this morning

BLACK KITE – one flying SE over Wheal Alfred, Hayle at 1145hrs

PURPLE HERON – one briefly at Chapel Porth, St Agnes then flew inland (G.Lawlor); that or another flew west over Rosemullion late morning (E.Cornelius)

WOODCHAT SHRIKE – still at Faraway Cottage, Nanjizal still this afternoon (B.Dallas)

HOOPOE – one in private garden at Perranporth

SERIN – male at Pendeen near lighthouse at 0900hrs


!!!EURASIAN SCOPS OWL!!! – one on private ringing site at Nanjizal, may have flown towards seaward end of valley.

BLACK-WINGED STILT – male at The Strand on River Neet just north of Bude Canal. Later on Maer Lake. Three birds on flooded field at Church Cove below Mullion Gold Club. (photographed by groundsman)

WOODCHAT SHRIKE – still along track to Carn les Boel, Nanjizal

LITTLE BUNTING – one still at Metherell

OSPREY – one flew North over Penryn Estuary

GARGANEY – three still at Par Beach Pool

ICELAND GULL – one at Land’s End, late afternoon

CATTLE EGRET – 3 at Marazion Marsh; one at Drift Reservoir; 2 in fields at Trewidden, Newlyn

HOODED CROW – one (or hybrid) flew along valley at Towednack


WOODCHAT SHRIKE – still at Nanjizal along track to Carn les Boel this morning

HOOPOE – on in flight over road at Kuggar this morning

LITTLE BUNTING  – still at Metherell today

GRASSHOPPER WARBLER – one at Letcha Farm, St Just

SEDGE WARBLER – one at St Gothian Sands

RED KITE – one over A30 nr Launceston; one over Marazion


ALPINE SWIFT – one showing well over drying sheds at Par Docks. Also Swallow, Sand Martin and House Martin

WOODCHAT SHRIKE – one in gorse between Higher Bosistow farm and coast path at Nanjizal

GARGANEY – 2 drakes and 1 female at Par Beach Pool

CATTLE EGRET – three at Drift Reservoir still

WHOOPER SWAN – one at Drift Reservoir

BLACK-THROATED DIVER – 72+ on sea off Porthpean. Also 30 GN Divers

RUSSIAN WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE – adult still at Mawgan Porth

RING-NECKED DUCK – fem still at Helston Boating lake


ALPINE SWIFT – one showing well over drying sheds at Par Docks.

ICELAND GULL – adult again on Gannel Estuary

GLAUCOUS GULL – on at Drift Reservoir

BLACK GUILLEMOT – one still on sea off Pennance Point