The Helm Guide to Bird Identification
“This book covers difficult identification issues by looking at tricky species pairs or groups of birds, and comparing and contrasting their respective features. Designed as a field companion, it supplements the standard field guides and provides much additional information. As well as detailed texts, the books include extensive illustrations of all relevant ages and plumages […]
Collins BTO Guide to Rare British Birds – Book Review
This field guide to the rare birds of Britain and Ireland is the result of an innovative new partnership between Collins and the esteemed British Trust for Ornithology. It brings together the most authoritative and current information. The Collins BTO Guide to British Birds is accompanied by this book. As of February 2015, it includes […]
Flight Identification of European Passerines and Select Landbirds An Illustrated and Photographic Guide (WILDGuides)- Book Review
This time of year has me up early, in the garden or local patch on sunny autumn mornings, eyes to the skies, looking for visibly migrating birds. This is known in the birding world as ‘Viz Migging’ and this book is the Viz Migging Bible! Often the birds are high up and obviously seen from […]