Family Birdguiding

We had a fantastic day of two halves today with the Larkin family on the north coast during the morning, then a quick drive over to Kynance on the Lizard to meet the Cowing family. We met Andrew with his wife and two boys at North Cliffs for a few hours birdwatching along the coastal […]

Back to School

We don’t just offer birdguiding trips and experiences for adults at Cornwall Birdwatching Tours! Paul spent the morning at Marazion Marsh RSPB reserve with the children and teachers of Wendron School. Despite the wind and rain a great time was had by all! Glossy Ibis was the star attraction as far as birds were concerned […]

Hayle and Mounts Bay – 1st December 2017

A bright but windy morning greeted my client, Lamorna and I at Newlyn today. We headed straight to Sandy Cove, Newlyn but parking was restricted so we changed plans and drove east to Marazion calling briefly at Jubilee Pool in Penzance where Purple Sandpipers and Turnstones were located on the rocks. A stunning Kingfisher joined […]

Mounts Bay and Drift – 12th November 2017

I appear to have abandoned this blog since 2014/15!! Not good, but a loss of password is to blame! However in order to redeem myself I will try and update the blog with all the tours I have done in the past few years. So here’s the most recent, no photos today unfortunately! Sunday was […]

May Bird Guiding Day 9

Tuesday 19th May, the penultimate day to my 10 day bird Tour for American birder, Steve Dexter. It’s been hard graft and we are taking things a little easier now, so a light day starting at 9.30am at Marazion followed by a short sea-watch at Pendeen and finally a trot around Gwithian, ending with a […]

May Bird Guiding Day 8

Monday 18th May – After a late finish last night Steve and I decided on an 8am start as opposed to a 5am! Fortunate that we did as the weather was atrocious on Bodmin Moor, with driving rain and cold winds. First stop was Golitha Falls for Dipper. A quick look over the bridge to […]

May Bird Guiding Day 7

May 17th on the itinerary was late afternoon on the Hayle Estuary then head to The Lizard to mop up on a few specialist species. First on the agenda at Hayle was the very showy Ring-billed Gull, which sat in the main creek close to the bridge. Not a particularly great bird for an American birder, but […]

May Bird Guiding Day 6

A trip up to Somerset was planned for Day 6 (Saturday 16th May) with Los Angeles birder Steve Dexter. We set of at 5am picking up the very American sounding Brad Dallas en-route! Another pair of eyes to pick out birds for Steve’s UK list! Very light traffic enabled us to reach Ham Walls reserve […]

May Bird Guiding Day 5

Friday 15th May saw Steve and I at Land’s end for a late afternoon walkabout mainly in the hope of a Golden Oriole. After parking at the south end of the car park we walked through the sallows, but to no avail. Whitethroat, Wren and Stonechat were evident but no Orioles. Further across the moor […]

May Bird Guiding Day 4

I’ve taken the ‘Cornwall’ out of the title for Day 4 as we spent it all in Devon! Another beautiful sunny warm day in east Dartmoor concentrating on moorland and woodland species. We left Cornwall at 5.15am and reached our first destination, Yarner Woods on the east side of Dartmoor National Park by 0640hrs. (Stopping […]