Cornwall Bird Guiding – Day 3

Tickets booked yesterday for a day trip to the Isles of Scilly! And what a day! Beautiful sunny, warm conditions ensured Steve, my client this week, got to see the Islands in all their glory. We took the boat over in the hope of a few seabirds but the sea was relatively calm and birds […]

Cornwall Bird Guiding – Day 2

Day 2 with my American friend! Another great day, adding 13 new species to the tally. Highlights were the two Cuckoos performing superbly at Rosewall Hill and a very pleasant hour in the morning sunshine at Stithians with singing warblers! Todays birds below: Day 2 – Monday 11th May 2015 (0500-1430hrs) Weather – Misty and […]

Cornwall Bird Guiding – Day 1 and off to a good start!

First day bird guiding for American Birder, Steve Dexter.  Despite the weather we managed to rack up 72 species, which he is more than happy with! Me Too! Below are todays records: Day 1 – Sunday 10th May 2015 (0500-1330hrs) Weather – Thick fog during the morning then clearer but dull for rest of day Porthgwarra – (thick […]